
Diocesan Synod 2024: list of papers

Paper Number Meeting Date Description Other information
DS24 01 09/03/2024 Agenda  
DS24 02 09/03/2024 Business Transacted 2 December 2023 Noted
DS24 03 09/03/2024 General Synod Report  
DS24 04 09/03/2024 DSAP Annual Report 2023 Received
DS24 05 09/03/2024 Racial Justice Update  
DS24 06 09/03/2024 Slides supporting agenda items 6; 10; 12 & 14  
DS24 07 09/03/2024 Presidential Address  
DS24 08 11/05/2024 Agenda  
DS24 09 11/05/2024 Business Transacted 9 March 2024 Noted
DS24 10 11/05/2024 Durham and Newcastle RE Syllabus 2024 Presentation
DS24 11 11/05/2024 Net Zero Action Plan Agreed
DS24 12 11/05/2024 Church of England Routemap, Net Zero Carbon  
DS24 13 11/05/2024 Slides supporting Agenda items  
DS24 14 11/05/2024 Presidential Address  

Diocesan Synod 2023: list of papers

Paper Number Meeting Date Description Other information
DS23 01 13/05/2023 Agenda  
DS23 02 13/05/2023 Business transacted 26 November 2022 Noted
DS23 03A 13/05/2023 Summary Financial Statements 2022  
DS23 03B 13/05/2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022 Received
DS23 04 13/05/2023 Presentation Slides 13 May 2023  
DS23 05A 13/05/2023 Presidential Address (text)  
DS23 05B 13/05/2023 Presidential Address (video)  
DS23 06 15/07/2023 Agenda  
DS23 07 15/07/2023 Business transacted 13 May 2023 Noted
DS23 08 15/07/2023 Instrument of Delegation Agreed
DS23 09 15/07/2023 Environment Working Group Action Plan  
DS23 10 15/07/2023 Generosity Week  
DS23 11 15/07/2023 Finance Presentation 2024 to 2026  
DS23 13 15/07/2023 Presidential Address 15 July 2023  
DS23 14 02/12/2023 Business Transacted 15 July 2023  
DS23 15 02/12/2023 Agenda 2 December  
DS23 16 02/12/2023 General Synod Report November 2023  
DS23 17 02/12/2023 Budget 2024 Agreed
DS23 18 02/12/2023 Racial Justice Report and Recommendations Agreed
DS23 19 02/12/2023 Growing New Worshipping Communities Agreed
DS23 20 02/12/2023 Elections 2024 Agreed

Diocesan Synod 2022: list of papers

Paper Number Meeting Date Description Other information
DS22 01 07/05/2022 Agenda  
DS22 01PP 07/05/2022 PowerPoint Slides (slidedeck) used at the meeting  
DS22 R01 07/05/2022 Opening Reflection by the Revd Phyl Carruthers Recording
DS22 R02 07/05/2022 Presidential Address by the Rt Revd Mark Wroe Recording
DS22 02 07/05/2022 Minute of 13th November 2021  
DS22 03A 07/05/2022 NDBF Annual Report & Financial Statements 2021  
DS22 03B 07/05/2022 Summary Financial Information for 2021  
BC22 04 24/09/2022 Agenda for Saturday 24 September  
DS22 R03 24/09/2022 Presidential Address (Bishop Mark) Recording
DS22 05 24/09/2022 Business transacted on 7 May 2022  
DS22 R04 24/09/2022 Introduction to Deployment & Budget Planning Recording
DS22 06 24/09/2022 Deployment Presentation  
DS22 R05 24/09/2022 Deployment Recording
DS22 R06 24/09/2022 Budget Planning Recording
DS22 07 26/11/2022 Agenda for 26 November  
DS23 02A 26/11/2022 Presidential Address  
DS22 08 26/11/2022 Business Transacted 24 September  
DS22 09 26/11/2022 Environment Policy Agreed 26/11/2022
DS23 02B 26/11/2022 Environment Presentation Part 1  
DS23 02C 26/11/2022 Environment Presentation Part 2  
DS22 10 26/11/2022 Deanery Synod Elections 2023 Agreed 26/11/2022
DS22 11 26/11/2022 Budget Proposal 2023 Agreed 26/11/2022
DS23 02D 26/11/2022 Finance Presentation  

Diocesan Synod 2021: list of papers

Paper Number Meeting Date Description Other Information
DS21 R01 13/03/2021 Use this link to watch the video Recording
DS21 01 13/03/2021 Notes from the plenary session  
DS21 02 13/03/2021 Growing Church Bringing Hope: Next Steps Update  
DS21 03B 08/05/2021 Transcript: 28 November 2020  
DS21 04 08/05/2021 Promulgation of Amending Canons 40 and 41 Promulgated
DS21 05 08/05/2021 DAC Quinquennial Inspection Scheme 2021 Agreed 08/05/2021
DS21 06 08/05/2021 Instrument of Delegation: Honorary Assistant Bishop Agreed 08/05/2021
DS21 07 08/05/2021 Growing Church Bringing Hope: NEXT STEPS Progress noted
DS21 08A 08/05/2021 Annual Report and Financial Statements 2020 Received
DS21 08B 08/05/2021 Summary of Financial Statements 2020  
DS21 11 08/05/2021 Introduction to Living in Love and Faith  
DS21 12 10/06/2021 Agenda for the Open Forum Synod 10th June 2021  
  20/07/2021 Open Synod Finance Forum  
DS21 11 18/09/2021 Business Transacted 8th May 2021  
DS21 R02 18/09/2021 Use this link to see the Presidential Address Recording
DS21 R03 18/09/2021 Growing Church Bringing Hope NEXT STEPS Recording
DS21 R04 18/09/2021 Financial presentation Recording
DS21 13B 13/11/2021 business transacted 18th September  

DS21 14A 
DS21 14B

13/11/2021 Newcastle Education Board Scheme for approval in accordance with DBE Measure 2021 Agreed
DS21 15 13/11/2021 Instrument of Delegation Agreed
DS21 16 13/11/2021 Botswana Partnership Agreement  
  13/11/2021 Bishop of Botswana's presentation to the Synod  
DS21 17 13/11/2021 Next Steps Update  
DS21 18 13/11/2021 Budget Proposal 2022 Agreed 13/11/2021

Diocesan Synod 2020: list of papers

Paper number Meeting date Description Other Resources
DS20 10   Agenda  
DS20 11 27/06/2020 Transcript from 23rd November 2019  
DS20 12 27/06/2020 Final Report of the Parish Share Review Group  
DS20 13A 27/06/2020 growing church bringing hope: next stepsA theological reflection  
DS20 13B 27/06/2020 growing church bringing hope: next stepspre Synod questions to think about  
DS20 14 27/06/2020 Board of Finance Report and Accounts 2019 (subject to approval)  
DS20 15 27/06/2020 CV to support the appointment to the DAC for the Rt Revd Stephen Platten  
DS20 18 26/09/2020 Agenda Presidential Address
DS20 18A 26/09/2020 Note of the meeting on 27 June  
DS20 19 26/09/2020 Budget Discussion Document 2021  
DS20 19A 26/09/2020 Transcript of the budget plenary feedback  
DS20 19B 26/09/2020 Aidan breakout group  
DS20 19C 26/09/2020 Bede breakout group  
DS20 19D 26/09/2020 Cuthbert breakout group  
DS20 19E 26/09/2020 Ebba breakout group  
DS20 19F 26/09/2020 Ethelburga breakout group  
DS20 19G 26/09/2020 Hild breakout group  
DS20 19H 26/09/2020 Oswald breakout group  
DS20 19I 26/09/2020 Oswin breakout group  
DS20 20 28/11/2020 Agenda  
DS20 20A 28/11/2020 Notes from meeting held on 26 September 2020  
DS20 20B 28/11/2020 Slides accompanying meeting held on 26 September 2020  
DS20 21 28/11/2020 Instrument of Delegation: Bishop of Berwick DRAFT  
DS20 22 28/11/2020 Eco Diocese  
DS20 22A 28/11/2020 Eco Diocese Registration  
DS20 23A 28/11/2020 Aiming for Carbon Net Zero Psalm 65
DS20 23B 28/11/2020 Environment Policy 2019  
DS20 24 28/11/2020 Transformation Next Steps Values and Priorities  
DS20 24A 28/11/2020 AIDAN breakout group  
DS20 24B 28/11/2020 BEDE breakout group  
DS20 24C 28/11/2020 CUTHBERT breakout group  
DS20 24D 28/11/2020 EBBA breakout group  
DS20 24E 28/11/2020 ETHELBURGA breakout group  
DS20 24F 28/11/2020 HILD breakout group  
DS20 24G 28/11/2020 OSWALD breakout group  
DS20 24H 28/11/2020 OSWIN breakout group  
DS20 25 28/11/2020 Budget Proposal 2021 Agreed 28/11/2020
DS20 26A 28/11/2020 Clergy Covenant Clergy Resource  
DS20 26B 28/11/2020 Clergy Covenant Congregation Resource  
Misc 26/09/2020 The Clergy Covenant for Wellbeing Act of Synod 2020  
Misc 26/09/2020 Accompanying note to the Clergy Covenant Act of Synod  
Misc 26/09/2020 A document for reflection and action for the clergy  
Misc 26/09/2020 A document for reflection and action for local congregations  
Misc 26/09/2020 A document for reflection and action for bishops and the wider church  

Diocesan Synod 2019: list of papers

Paper number Meeting date Description Other Resources
DS19 01 11/05/2019 Agenda  
DS19 02 11/05/2019 Minutes of a meeting held on 20 October 2018                                             
DS19 03 11/05/2019 Annual Report & Financial Statements 2018  
DS19 03A 11/05/2019 Summary Financial Statement  
DS19 04 11/05/2019 Annual Report 2018  
DS19 05 11/05/2019 Going for Green (flyer tabled at Synod)  
DS19 06 11/05/2019 Copy of Education Presentation (item 7) listen using this link
DS19 07 11/05/2019 Copy of Finance Presentation (item 8) listen using this link
DS19 08 11/05/2019 Copy of Environment Presentation (item 11) listen using this link
DS19 08A 11/05/2019 Video included in the environment presentation  
DS19 09 11/05/2019 Transcript of the Presidential Address Listen using this link
DS19 10 22/07/2019 Budget Consultation 2020-2022  
DS19 11 22/07/2019 Programme for 22 July Open Synod Finance Forum  
DS19 12A 22/07/2019 Points raised during first part of the meeting  
DS19 12B 22/07/2019 Points raised during the second part of the meeting  
DS19 12C 22/07/2019 Crucial points collected from each table  
DS19 13 28/09/2019 Agenda  
DS19 14 28/09/2019 Minutes of a meeting held on 11 May 2019 Agreed 28/09/2019
DS19 15 28/09/2019 Proposed Environmental Policy Agreed 28/09/2019
DS19 16 28/09/2019 Budget 2020-2022: discussion document  
DS19 17 28/09/2019 Amending Canon No 39  
DS19 19 23/11/2019 Agenda for 23 November  
DS19 20 23/11/2019 Minute of meeting held on 28 September Agreed 23/11/2019
DS19 21 23/11/2019 Proposed budget 2020 Agreed 23/11/2019
PRSG19 05 28/09/2019 Parish Share Review First Round Consultation  

Diocesan Synod 2018: list of papers

Paper number Meeting date Description Other Resoucres
DS18 01      
DS18 02      
DS 18 03 28/04/2018 Agenda for 28 April 2018                                                                              Recording
DS18 04 28/04/2018 Minutes 30 September 2017  
DS18 05 28/04/2018 Financial Statements 2017 Received 28/04/2018
DS18 05A 28/04/2018 Summary Statements 2017  
DS18 06 28/04/2018 Contignecy Budget Planning 2018 Agreed 28/04/2018
DS18 07 28/04/2018 Annual Reports 2017 Received 28/04/2018
DS18 08 28/04/2018 Elections to Diocesan Synod 2018  
DS18 09A 28/04/2018 Update: Resource Church for the Diocese of Newcastle  
DS18 09B 28/04/2018 Mission Strategy Agreed 28/04/2018
DS18 09C 28/04/2018 Church Planting Strategy Agreed 28/04/2018
DS18 11 24/07/2018 Budget Consultation 2019 Recording
DS18 12 20/10/2018 Agenda for 20th October  
DS18 13 20/10/2018 Minute of 28th April 2018 Agreed 20/10/2018
DS18 14 20/10/2018 Proposed Budget 2019  
DS18 22 20/10/2018 Safeguarding Report  


Diocesan Synod held on 24th July 2017

A meeting of the Diocesan Synod took place on 24th July 2017 at St John's Church, Percy Main.

Paper Item Description
DS17 09 Budget Consultation 2018
DS17 09B Budget Consultation 2018 Parish Share Projection
Vision Sound recording of Bishop Christine's presentation
Plenary 1 Feedback from table discussions about the VISION
Budget Simon Harper's presentation (Chair of the Board of Finance)
Plenary 2 Feedback from table discussions about the BUDGET
Parish Share Liz Kerry's presentation (Vice Chair, Board of Finance)
Plenary 3 Feeback from the table discussions about PARISH SHARE

Diocesan Synod held on 27th May 2017

A meeting of the Diocesan Synod took place at the Josephine Butler Campus, Northumberland Church of England Academy, Ashington.

Diocesan Synod held on 11th March 2017

An Open Synod Forum took place at the Dr Thomlinson Church of England Middle School, Rothbury.

The theme for the meeting was the launch of a new strategic vision growing church bringing hope. A short formal meeting of the Diocesan Synod took place at the interval. Documents supporting the Synod can be downloaded from the links below, including sound recordings and a link to photographs.

Paper Item Description
  Vision, by the Bishop of Newcastle: recording of the Bishop's address
  Values, by the Ven Geoff Miller: recording of the Archdeacon's address
DS17 01 Agenda for the formal meeting to be held during the interval
DS17 02 Amending Standing Order 72
Listen Bishop Christine's address to Synod (opens in SoundCloud)

Diocesan Synod held on 26 November 2016

A meeting of the Diocesan Synod took place at the Josephine Butler Campus, Northumberland Church of England Academy, Ashington.

The Agenda and Papers used at this meeting are set out below.

Listen to the sound recordings from the Synod (via Soundcloud)

Paper Number Description Sound Files
DS16 07 Agenda for 26 November 2016 Open & Worship
DS16 08 Minute of a meeting held on 14 May 2016 Notices
  Presidential Address (Bishop of Newcastle) Address
DS16 09 Proposed Budget 2017 Budget
  Report from General Synod: July 2016 Synod Report
DS16 10 Growth & Fruitfulness (short version) Presentation
DS16 11 Instrument of Delegation Governance
DS16 12 Deanery Synod Elections 2017 Governance
  Closing Worship Worship & Close

Diocesan Synod held on 11th October 2016

A meeting of the Diocesan Synod took place at St John's Church, Percy Main, North Shields.

The meeting had a single item agenda with the budget document forming the basis for discussion.

The budget document can be downloaded using this link DS16 07

Listen to the sound recordings from the Synod(via Soundcloud)

Diocesan Synod held on 24th September 2016

An Open Synod Forum took place at the Josephine Butler Campus, Northumberland Church of England Academy, Ashington.

The Synod met for an Open Synod Forum at the Josephine Butler Campus, Northumberland Church of England Academy, Ashington on Saturday 24th September.

The theme for the Forum was Walking with Aidan, the next part of our journey with the Companions of St Aidan. Documents supporting the Synod can be downloaded from the links below, including sound recordings and a link to photographs.

Diocesan Synod held on 14th May 2016

A meeting of the Diocesan Synod took place at the Dr Thomlinson Church of England Middle School, Rothbury.

Recordings from the Synod are available at

The Agenda and papers were as follows:

Paper Description

DS16 01


DS16 02

Minutes of a meeting held on 28 November 2015

DS16 03

Annual Reports 2015

DS16 04

Financial Statements for 2015

DS16 04A

Summary Financial Note by the Diocesan Accountant

DS16 05

Responding to Renewal & Reform: Lay Leadership

DS16 06

Summary of the Open Synod Forum held on 12 March

Diocesan Synod held on 12th March 2016

An Open Synod Forum took place at the Josephine Butler Campus, Northumberland Church of England Academy, Ashington.

Recordings from the Synod are available at

Diocesan Synod met on Saturday 12th March 2016 at the Northumberland Church of England Academy, Josephine Butler Campus, Ashington NE63 9RX.

This was an Open Meeting and ovr 130 people attended. The Synod began with a Presidential Address from the Bishop of Newcastle followed by a conversation with the Bishop. After a short break the Disability Task Group led a series of workshops which allowed people to share some of the joys, challenges, opportunities and frustrations of living with disabilities as part of God's church and the world.

The seven main workshops were:

  • Hearing Loss: Hearing loss affects nearly all of us - either personally, or in someone we know well. How can the church community do more to include those who have limited hearing, and make their experience of worship and activities joyful instead of frustrating?
  • Unseen Disabilities: This will be an interactive group exploring a wide range of conditions and impairments with one thing in common - their invisibility to others. The attitudes of others, whether family, friend or stranger (e.g. in church) can determine crucially how far they feel welcome and included in worship and fellowship.
  • Mobility Impairments: Not just a ramp... A workshop about all sorts of barriers that limit access to worship and fellowship and the attitudes that can disable us all.
  • Sight Loss: Why might visually impaired people not want to come to your church? The worshop will examine a range of reasons and look at how, with greater awareness, the church community can positively address them.
  • Learning Difficulties: People with Learning Disabilities have much to offer the church. We will consider how to maximise individual characteristics, minimize barriers and offer appropriate assistance. Greater awareness is needed by us all.
  • Mental Health Issues: How can churches truly include those suffering from mental illness? What support can we give? And what support is available for us as we support others?
  • Dementia: Nothing to be afraid of! I have simply forgotten your name. Ways in which we can learn to sare the joys of worship, activities and everyday life with those whom we love.

An eighth workshop was a tour of The Centre (use this link to find out further information) located within the Josephine Butler Campus. It shares the building with the Josephine Butler Primary and Secondary campuses. The Centre caters for the needs of children and young people aged 4-19 years who have severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties and we also have facilities, based on a TEACCH approach, for children with autism.

Diocesan Synod held on 28th November 2015

A meeting of the Diocesan took place at the Josephine Butler Campus, Northumberland Church of England Academy, Ashington.

The Agenda and papers used at the meeting are set out below.

Paper Description
post meeting Note to members following the meeting
post meeting Budget 2016 summary document
DS(15)20 Agenda
DS(15)21 Note of the Finance Synod held on 6 October
Recording Recording of the meeting held on 6 October
DS(15)22 Responding to Reform & Renewal
DS(15)23 Budget 2016
DS(15)24 Proposed Suffragan See of Berwick
 Background Inspired North East
Background Reform and Renewal
Background Suffragan Sees

Diocesan Synod held on th October 2015

A meeting of the Diocesan Synod took place at St John's Church, Percy Main, North Shields.
Agenda and papers used at the meeting held on 6th October
A sound recording of the meeting is available at SoundCloud using this link

Paper Description
Recording Recording of the meeting held on 6th October
DS(15)15 Agenda for 6 October
DS(15)16 Minutes of 19 September (DRAFT)
DS(15)17 Draft Budget Paper for Consultation

Diocesan Synod held on 19th September 2015

A meeting of the Diocesan Synod took place at the Cathedral Church of St Nicholas, Newcastle.
The Diocesan Synod held its first meeting of the new triennium on Saturday 19 September when more than 90 people gathered for a Eucharist at the Cathedral which was followed by a short formal meeting of the Synod. Business carried out included:
Election of the Vice-Presidents: The Revd Canon John Sinclair was elected to serve as Chair of the House of Clergy and Canon Carol Wolstenholme was elected to serve as Chair of the House of Laity;
Overview of the business carried out at the last session of the General Synod held in York in July: A presentation was given by the Revd Canon Dr Dagmar Winter supplemented by the Revd Janet Appleby, Professor John Bull and Canon Carol Wolstenholme.
Overview of the Election Process: Members of the Diocesan Synod need to elect people to serve on the following Boards and Committees:
i) Bishops Council & Standing Committee; ii) Diocesan Education Board; iii) Houses and Glebe Committee; iv) Diocesan Mission & Pastoral Committee; and v) Vacancy in See Committee
The nomination period is now open and runs to noon on Monday 5 October. Nomination forms are available here.

Agenda and papers used at the meeting on 19 September

Paper Description
DS(15 06) Agenda for 19 September
DS(15 07) Minutes of meeting held 16th May
DS(15 08) Elections to Boards & Committees
DS(15 09) Overview of Structures
DS(15 10) Nomination form: Bishop's Council & Standing Committee
DS(15 11) Nomination form: Diocesan Education Board
DS(15 12) Nomination form: Houses & Glebe Committee
DS(15 13) Nomination form: Mission & Pastoral Committee
DS(15 14) Nomination form: Vacancy in See Committee

Diocesan Synod held on 16th May 2015

A meeting of the Diocesan Synod took place at the Dr Thomlinson Church of England Middle School, Rothbury.

  • Sound extracts are available from
  • This meeting was open to members and non-members.
  • This was a special meeting of the Synod and we welcomed two representatives from the Archbishops' Council, Canon John Spence and the Revd Dr Malcolm Brown.
  • The meeting began with worship followed by a presentation about the Reform and Renewal proposals. The presentation was followed by group work and a plenary session. This was a valuable opportunity to engage with the Reform & Renewal consultation.
  • The Synod broke for refreshments and reconvened for a formal meeting.
  • Agenda and Papers
  • More information about the programme of Reform and Renewal is available using this link

Diocesan Synod held on 14th March 2015

This was a morning of Learning and Reflection for Lent to be led by the Revd Dr Calvin Samuel, Academic Dean and Director of Wesley Study Centre, St Johns College, Durham.

Diocesan Synod held on 29th November 2014

A meeting of the Diocesan took place at the Josephine Butler Campus, Northumberland Church of England Academy, Ashington.

DS14 06 Agenda

DS14 09 Minute of Synod held on 24 May 2014

DS14 10 Note of a meeting held on 6 October 2014

DS14 07 Dignity at Work: Policy & Procedures

DS14 08 Budget 2015

DS14 11 Poverty Task Group Report to Synod

DS14 12 Elections to Diocesan Synod 2015

Introduction to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser

Lay Voices Conference, held on 25th October 2014

A Lay Conference was held at the Centre for Life, Newcastle to affirm lay voices and help make them heard across our diocese.


A conference to celebrate, inspire and enthuse lay people was held on Saturday 25th October at the Centre for Life, Newcastle.


PROGRAMME (download in PDF format)

POWERPOINT SLIDES (download in PDF format)


Lay Voices 2014

Seven church members from across the diocese attended the General Synod at York from 11th to 13th July. Look out for news and articles following this visit, particularly about what they enjoyed, what they discovered and the amount of networking they achieved over a busy three days.


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