
All ministers in the Diocese, lay and ordained, have access to wellbeing resources, training and support. Some training is tailored to particular ministries, or stages of ministry, some is offered to all. Support is available to everyone.

If you’re interested in any of the opportunities below please contact the CMF Officer, Ce Pacitti at c.pacitti@newcastle.anglican.org who will be happy to advise you.

We value our people and work together to the following principles:

  • Mutual responsibility - we look after each other and ourselves.
  • Coordinated response – guaranteed follow-up.
  • A shift towards the preventative – identifying issues before they become a problem.
  • Culture change – intentional collaboration, all mattering, all loved.
  • Achievability – realistic, feasible and affirming goals.

What we offer:

Times of Transition and Uncertainty

  • Residential Programme for First Incumbents

Each term we offer an overnight stay at Shepherds Dene with workshops, worship, reflection and fellowship for those in their first year or so of incumbency status ministry. This is offered in recognition of the jump from curacy to first incumbency and the sense of isolation felt by some in this position. It is comforting to know that others may be facing the same challenges you are in parish ministry. Together we can offer support. These times together include the opportunity for Reflective Practice Groups. Some feedback from participants:

‘…a good place to resource yourself and enjoy some constructive fellowship. The RPGs and all the sessions organised have been a wonderful opportunity to learn more from colleagues and formalise my own reflection on parish ministry.’

‘I have not previously come across ‘Reflective Practice Groups’ but found them a very helpful and non-threatening way to explore some real issues in ministry that we are facing. The groups provided an opportunity for each of us to speak into these situations with wisdom and grace. I for one will be taking the feedback from this back into my ministerial context.’

‘What I gleaned was useful; how I learned was refreshing; where I experienced it was blessed rest; when we reflected it was deeply and reflectively supportive.’

  • Annual ‘Moving On’ Day with 3D Coaching

Every November we offer an online study day with 3D Coaching for those facing a change of position. This offers practical help and support with applications and interviews which is theologically grounded and emphasises the importance of ongoing discernment.

  • Pre-retirement courses

There is an annual residential retreat for clergy and spouses each December at Shepherds Dene, offering a chance for shared reflection and discernment for those facing upcoming retirement.

Every two years we invite Ecclesiastical Financial Advisory Services to lead a seminar in pre-retirement financial planning with an opportunity for individual consultations.

We recommend that if you are 67 or over (or planning to retire in the next couple of years) that you attend both of these. If the timing does not work for you then please contact Ce Pacitti who will be able to advise on other local opportunities and the funding available to help you attend these.


Ongoing Training Opportunities for All

  • Mental Health First Aid Training

If you’d be interested in signing up for the next round of training to be offered please contact the CMF Officer.

  • Regular courses in Conflict Management and Resilience with Bridge Builders

Past courses with Bridge Builders have included ‘Leading an Anxious Congregation,’ ‘Conflict Management,’ ‘Second Chair Leading,’ and ‘Being a Resilient Leader.’ Generally based upon systems theory these excellent workshops equip you with a toolkit to understand the dynamics of the people you minister with and your own responses to sometimes tricky situations.

  • Online Retreat time

For six months from January 2023 a group of ministers met online for a series of monthly half-day retreats led by Paul Hutchinson. We all valued this time together, ‘being loved in our un-fixed state.’ A new group is planned for the Autumn - please contact Ce Pacitti if you’d be interested in joining in.

Feedback from previous participants:

"It is a safe space to share and to be just as I am. There are not so many places to do this and I am blessed to have this at this moment in time."

"I see these monthly sessions as an oasis time - to replenish, to challenge myself and to wonder what God is up to. The sense of a shared commitment from the group and the safe space in which to listen and be heard are real gifts to me."


One to One Support

  • Individual Coaching

We facilitate individual coaching arrangements for clergy facing a particular transition stage or specific challenge in ministry. These arrangements are negotiated via the Archdeacons and the CMF Officer. If you feel you would benefit from some coaching to deal with a specific issue please contact your Archdeacon.

  • Sabbaticals

We encourage applications for sabbaticals from those stipendiary clergy who have been ordained for ten years or more, of which at least the last three years are in this diocese. An opportunity should be possible for a three-month sabbatical period in every ten years of ministry. For further information see Sabbatical - Newcastle Diocese (anglican.org) or email c.pacitti@newcastle.anglican.org for an informal conversation.

  • CMF Funding for Retreats and Study

There is funding available from the CMF Officer to enable licensed Clergy and Readers to take an annual retreat or engage in study opportunities. We can contribute up to £250 per year to the costs of these activities. Please see CMF Resources - Newcastle Diocese (anglican.org) or email c.pacitti@newcastle.anglican.org for the application form.

  • Mentors

As part of the care for first incumbents, mentors are allocated for the first year. This will be your ‘go-to’ person in addition to the support available from the Area Deans, Archdeacons and CMF Officer. Following the first year of ministry we highly recommend engaging in a Peer Mentoring arrangement – CMF Officer Ce Pacitti will be able to advise you on this.

  • Pastoral Support for all Ministers

As well as formal counselling services and mentoring arrangements we also offer the opportunity for less formal on-going pastoral support. Please contact Ce Pacitti if you would appreciate a conversation with her.

  • Counselling Service

Newcastle Diocese offers a private and confidential, self-referral Counselling Service for clergy, readers, licensed lay readers in the diocese with PTO and also offers up to eight sessions for licensed clergy dependents (aged over 18). You can self-refer for any issue or problem that you are coping with, regardless of its origin and whether related to what is happening or has happened in your work, or not.

If you would like to find out more about the service, visit our counselling section of our website or to arrange to receive counselling then please contact by phone on 07768 869 551 or by email at counselling@newcastle.anglican.org


Research Publications:

Covenant, Calling and Crisis: Autonomy, Accountability and Wellbeing among Church Of England Clergy January 2023

How Clergy Thrive: Insights from Living Ministry October 2020

Flourishing Minister: Flourishing Communities

Church of England Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing 2019

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