At times, the climate emergency and nature crisis can feel overwhelming and it can be hard to know where to start in your own church community. Here are some handy tips to get you started.
Step 1: Become a team 
Any task can be hard work on your own. Changing the culture in your church can be challenging at times and having a small group who bring different skills and experiences, who pray together, support each other and can share the load can be vital for success.
Step 2: Ask the PCC to pass a Parish Environment Policy
Putting a policy to the PCC gives the church leadership the opportunity to openly discuss the environmental crises and how your church will respond. Once a policy has been passed it can be useful to assess other PCC decisions in the light of the Environment Policy.
Download the template model Parish Environmental policy.
Step 3: Appoint a Parish Environment Champion
It can be helpful to have a nominated person who ensures that environmental issues are championed. This should never mean that the rest of the congregation feel that they don’t have to think about creation care!
Parish Environment Champion role description
Please let Tim Mayfield, Bishop's Advisor on the Environment, know who your Parish Environment Champions are. Then they can be kept informed about Zoom catch-ups and resources.
Step 4: Access help from the national Church
The national Church is constantly updating its resourcing and funding streams. Find out more here about becoming a zero carbon church,
Step 5: Register on the Eco Church website
It’s easy to register your church on the Eco Church website.