Disability Matters

Implementation of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 has been the main concern of the diocesan Disability Task Group.

Group members have been in touch with many other dioceses to discover what they have done, and what literature and learning tools they have produced.

Since 2004 churches and halls, along with all public buildings and organisations, have been required to make reasonable adjustments to make their buildings, activities and events accessible to everyone.

The Disability group helps parishes and deaneries work out what this entails. There is no single blueprint for action; each PCC and Deanery Synod faces different challenges to ensure that everyone can be included in their life and worship.

The Disability Task Group wants to recruit more members! If you feel you could contribute something to the life of this Task Group we would love to hear from you. We meet four or five times a year. You may yourself be disabled in some way, and know at first hand some of the problems confronting disabled people in todays Church. You may have some specialist experience or interest in the vast field that gets labelled disability issues.

Contact the Revd Canon Richard Hill: collis.rick@gmail.com

Synod backs motion affirming disabled people in the life and ministry of the Church July 2022.

Click here to download Inspired North East's 'The Open Door' self-audit access and questionnaire and more.


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