Generosity Week 2024

This year we celebrate our fourth annual diocesan Generosity Week between Sunday 29th September and Sunday 6th October. To mark Generosity Week 2024 the Generous Giving Team would like to invite you to spend some time with us, either in person or online, to explore different issues around generosity but in particular how we embed a generous culture and how we communicate the need for generous giving.  


Embedding a Generous Culture

Generosity should be embedded in any vision or mission plan, and in order for this to happen we must be clear about why we want to develop generous lives and understand the importance of being a generous community together. To explore and encourage this theme we have organised two events;


  • clergy reflection day is being held at Shepherds Dene House on Wednesday 25th September, during which participants will be invited to reflect on and deepen their response to God’s generosity to us all.

Book 'Seeking Generosity' Clergy Reflection Day


  • A four part online course (Zoom) will be hosted during the month of September by Giving Ministry Adviser, Dennis Fancett. The course explores the theme of generosity from a Biblical perspective and is available to anyone who wishes to take part.

Register for 'Exploring Generosity' Online Course


Communicating the Need for Generosity

Building on Pathways to Generosity introduced for Generosity Week 2023, the team would like to extend their support to help parishes better communicate the need for generous giving. This covers a variety of topics ranging from; the design of literature for a giving appeal to church members and/or the wider community, to understanding where our parish income goes, to how the Church of England itself is funded. We have created a range of opportunities and tools to support this second theme;


  • Earlier in July we hosted clinic days at Battle Hill and Wideopen. Along with the usual topics, we introduced a new session which looks at essential components for effective messaging about giving. As part of this, we equip parishes with everything they need to create their own professional communications. A second new session delves into the importance of a healthy faith filled reserve policy, particularly in the context of parish fundraising, and an overview of the role of the Church Commissioners. The new sessions on offer during our clinic days are also being offered online on Wednesday 7th August.

Register for 'Communicating the Need for Generosity' (Zoom)

Register for 'Managing Reserves' (Zoom)


  • For those familiar with Canva, we have developed a suite of templates to help produce a bespoke booklet that effectively communicates the importance and need for regular generous giving.

Download Giving Booklet Template (portrait)

Download Giving Booklet Template (landscape)

Download Giving Flyer (wider community)


  • The Generous Giving Team, in conjunction with our diocesan Communications Team, will be holding a drop-in day at Church House on Wednesday 11th September. We will be available to offer practical, hands on support for anyone who wishes to follow up on activity and preparations over the summer and ensure their parish communications are ready to go in time for Generosity Week.
  • An updated version of our Parish Share Explained booklet is available as a digital download. This guide seeks to explain how parish ministry is funded in the Diocese of Newcastle and answer questions about the concept and importance of this system of mutual support.

Download Parish Share Explained (2024)


Additional Resources

  • We have a range of worship material providing for multiple services, for those who wish to hold Generosity Week services on both Sunday 29th September and Sunday 6th October;

Suitable for any date:

Corresponding to the lectionary for Sunday 6th October (continuous):

Corresponding to the lectionary for Sunday 6th October (related):


  • A new resource for children to explore the theme of generosity is available to download. Suitable for a variety of settings such as Sundays school, cafe church, Messy Church etc.

Download Children and Families Activity


  • Generosity Week is also encouraged by the National Church and they too have a range of resources to support churches in their journey of generosity.

Visit Generosity Week (Church of England)

























































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