Safeguarding Training

I enjoyed the session, it wasnt what I expected, I found the group discussions really helpful, it was good to talk with other people

These are just some of the comments that were made following a recent safeguarding training session. If you havent attended a session, then why not make it your resolution to attend a C1 in 2019 - the training calendar for 2019 is now available.

C1 looks at safeguarding in the context of the Church and equips participants with the knowledge and skills to recognise and respond to disclosures of abuse. The sessions are interactive, we explain recent documentation, look at your role and responsibilities in relation to others, including self-protection and who to talk to if you have a concern. Case studies are discussed in groups, we watch a short DVD and have coffee and biscuits.

C1 training session is for all lay people, including churchwardens and PCC members, who have contact with children or adults who may be vulnerable,

Our C2 safeguarding training session builds on the C1 training and therefore C1 must be completed by participants prior to attending C2. During a C2 session participants will explore their roles in implementing parish safeguarding procedures and supporting others.

C2 training session is for those with safeguarding leadership responsibilities, which includes PCC, parish safeguarding officers and churchwardens, and those who lead activities with children, young people and vulnerable adults.

Next year we hope to hold more C1 training sessions in parishes or groups of parishes so please ask your Parish Safeguarding Officer or vicar to get in touch with the Safeguarding team to arrange this.

Newcastle Diocese is working towards creating a church which is safer for everyone. Active engagement with safeguarding training supports all those who have a role within the Church to effectively recognise and respond well to possible abuse and implement best safeguarding practice. Safeguarding is everybodys responsibility.

Have you attended safeguarding training?

First published on: 12th November 2018
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