Revd Sheila takes the bus for 400-mile fundraising journey

The Revd Sheila Auld (pictured right) enjoys a glass of wine with her sister Elsie Watson on completion of the challenge. 


An octogenarian priest has travelled from Newcastle to Sussex by bus over six days to successfully complete a fundraising mission.

The Revd Sheila Auld, 85, who is assistant priest at St Gabriel’s Church in Heaton, arrived at her final destination on Sunday (11th June), at the home of her sister Elsie Watson in Chichester, where they celebrated with a glass of wine.

It marked the end of an epic journey to raise vital funds for the Mother’s Union, a cause close to the heart of Sheila, who is a branch leader, also at St Gabriel’s, Heaton.

The mission is supporting the union’s Newcastle AFIA – Away from it All charity, which provides breaks for struggling families who would otherwise not afford to get away.

“It went so smoothly and so well,” said Sheila,” who lives in Hexham. “I thoroughly enjoyed it and didn’t really want it to end. I saw a lot of beautiful scenery and met some wonderful people.”

Sheila used her pensioners’ bus pass to navigate her journey, following an itinerary which had been carefully planned by her son John Booth, who works for Go North East.

And after using different bus companies for multiple routes, she insisted that the mission had restored her faith in public transport.

“Thanks to the excellent itinerary, I knew exactly what I was doing, where to change buses and where to stop at the end of each day,” said Sheila.

“Most of the time I had a good half hour between buses. On one occasion there was a bit of a rush but I didn’t have to wait around for any buses being late. Overall it was a great experience and because the bus routes went off the main roads, I saw plenty of countryside.”

Sheila started her journey on Monday 5th June, when she boarded the Angel of the North service known as the Angel bus. Each day she travelled from 9.30am to between 4pm and 6pm, staying overnight at the homes of Mothers’ Union volunteers who provided welcoming hospitality which was gratefully received.

Midway through the journey, which saw Sheila use 26 buses, she spent a full day in Coventry, where she explored the city, visited its cathedral and attended evensong.

The Mothers’ Union is a Christian charity which supports families and develops communities. Sheila is a long-term admirer of the work of the organisation and its volunteers, and is proud to continue serving as a branch leader.

She added: “I have to mention the wonderful Mothers’ Union members who have been doing the real hard work in encouraging donations while I was away on my adventure.”

Sheila became a priest about 26 years ago, while working at the Cedarwood Trust, the community development charity based at North Shields. Despite living in the Tyne Valley now, she remains connected to the church at Heaton, which was once her home.

To donate, please send your gift to St Gabriel’s Parish Centre, 2 St Gabriel’s Avenue, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5QN, or scan the QR code (pictured) for information about paying online.  If you pay UK tax you can Gift Aid your donation, thereby adding 25% to its value at no cost to you; simply confirm your wish to do this, and that you are a UK tax payer. 

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First published on: 14th June 2023
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