Bishop's Diary

Bishop Helen-Ann’s Diary 

17 June to 30 June 2024

Monday 1st July

Morning Prayer and catch-up with Bishop of Berwick and the Dean at Newcastle Cathedral; Bishop’s Garden Party at Bishop’s House

Tuesday 2nd July

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel Meeting at Church House; General Synod Pre-meet (zoom); Bishop’s Garden Party at Bishop’s House; Ordination of a Deacon at Newcastle Cathedral (eve)

Wednesday 3rd July

Catch-up with Diocesan Secretary; Bishop’s Garden Party at Bishop’s House

Thursday 4th July

Meetings throughout the day

Friday 5th July

General Synod in York

Saturday 6th July

General Synod in York

Sunday 7th July

Great North 10K

Monday 8th July

General Synod in York

Tuesday 9th July

Travel to London (am); House of Lords oath taking

Wednesday 10th July

HoL; Food and Drink Federation parliamentary reception; Travel to Newcastle (pm)

Thursday 11th July

Meetings throughout the day; regional arts and cultural stakeholder dinner (eve)

Friday 12th July

Day off

Saturday 13th July

Diocesan Synod at Newcastle Cathedral; Installation of new Residentiary Canon at Newcastle Cathedral

Sunday 14th July

Preach at Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels, Felton (am)

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