Seeking, Sharing, and Sending in our communities

As we reflect on the Diocesan vision for turning outwards in mission and ministry and becoming younger and more diverse, the Revd Julie Mooney explains how this vision is being lived out at Church of the Good Shepherd, Battle Hill.

It’s wonderful that our baby and toddler group, ‘Little Shepherds’, is thriving and with an intentional Christian theme of songs, stories and prayers we feel as though we are bringing the Good News of Jesus to many children and adults. Bubble Prayers are a favourite and, to encourage prayers during the summer holidays (when Little Shepherds doesn’t run), we have once again gifted our toddlers with a pack of bubbles.

Every year as the autumn term begins, several of the little ones start nursery or school. We found that, despite running an All Age Service, engagement with our families was lost. We began looking for an opportunity to strengthen engagement and after prayer and discernment we started a new service at Pentecost called Kidz Rock. The Revd Sheila Hamil has great ideas for stories, games, music and puppet shows and, along with several magnificent volunteers, Sheila and I lead this short service every two months. It is lots of fun based on Bible stories and it is wonderful to see some of our toddlers, plus older children, enjoying the time with us, their families and with God.

Our focus isn’t only on toddlers and children and our Open Mic night has encouraged adults from the wider community to join us. We’ve held two so far. This is gentle outreach, inviting people to come along, play, sing or just listen (and the raffle is a good fund-raiser too). I wasn’t sure what to expect and I was worried about how I might ‘get a bit of Jesus’ into the evening. Jesus was probably rolling his eyes at me – or at least grinning and saying “leave this to me!” It was clear that Jesus was there in spirit and the number of faith-based songs that were sung completely amazed me. There was no stipulation to sing a faith song. These were chosen by the singers themselves. I think the lesson there was that we just have to step out in faith and in mission and leave room for God to work.  

If you want more information about the mission and ministry at Church of the Good Shepherd, Battle Hill please feel free to email Julie  - click here

Images: Top; Kidz Rock during Pentecost. Middle; The 'Little Shepherds' baby and toddler group. Bottom; The open mic event was well attended. 

First published on: 10th August 2023
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