Safeguarding Sunday: 10th October 2021

‘Safeguarding Sunday’ is an ecumenical initiative supported by the Church of England, and this year will be marked on 10 October 2021. 

This is the chance for local churches to use their regular Sunday service to explore together what safer places look like, and to thank all those working behind the scenes to make our churches safer for all.

Resources are available to support churches in their planning and have been developed by Thirty One Eight (31:8), the specialist safeguarding consultancy.

Please visit Safeguarding Sunday for resources including prayers, preaching notes, films and animations, children’s activity sheets, hymns and songs and a safeguarding pledge.

Whether churches are able to give just a few minutes or dedicate their whole service, ‘Safeguarding Sunday’ is a really helpful and important opportunity for churches to show their communities that they take this responsibility seriously; it also recognises the fantastic contribution given to the Church by safeguarding volunteers and the work these volunteers are doing to make Churches welcoming, safe places for all who wish to attend worship or any other aspect of Church life.

There are already more churches signed up at this stage than all participants last year.

A short sermon for use on the day will be provided by Bishop Jonathan Gibbs, the Church of England’s lead safeguarding bishop who spoke about Safeguarding Sunday in his General Synod presentation in August 2021.

“Whether churches can give just a few minutes or dedicate their whole service, Safeguarding Sunday is a really helpful and important way of focusing on all the work that goes on 365 days a year in our churches to make them safe places.

“From our children’s and young people’s activities to clubs for the elderly and foodbanks, our churches are involved in every community. Protecting vulnerable people is at the heart of the Christian message.

“Safeguarding Sunday is all about creating an opportunity for churches to show their communities that they take this responsibility seriously,” said Bishop Jonathan.


First published on: 16th September 2021
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