Newcastle NHS staff join national cycle to raise awareness of climate emergency

Late-October saw Katie Watson, Head of Chaplaincy for the Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust, cycle 34.56km in an hour to raise awareness of COP26.

She did so via a static cycle at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, averaging just over 21.5 mph.

Katie said: “We all have a part in tackling climate change, and the implications for social justice and poverty that it brings.”

She volunteered to support NHS cyclists as they passed through Newcastle on their journey from London to Glasgow, to raise awareness of the impact of climate change and air pollution.

‘Ride For Their Lives’, the cycle campaign which started on 24 October, passed through Newcastle on 28 October.

Newcastle NHS cyclists Consultant in Respiratory Paediatrics Dr Mike McKean, Associate Director of Sustainability at Newcastle Hospitals James Dixon and Director of Newcastle Hospitals Charity Teri Bayliss, raised awareness for air pollution in the UK by joining the cyclists for the Newcastle leg of their journey.

Air pollution in the UK causes 28,000-36,000 premature deaths a year.

The group also raised funds for the Newcastle Hospitals Charity, with the hopes of making Newcastle Hospitals sustainable. 

You can learn more about how Newcastle Hospitals are responding to COP 26 here, and can support their efforts by following this link.


First published on: 1st November 2021
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