Church hosts Harvest Festival celebrations!

By Revd Tracey Usher, Assistant Curate for Berwick-upon-Tweed

Photo Credit - Revd Berwick Parish Church

Harvest is a time of thanksgiving. Where, in the church, we thank God for all that has been provided for us, as well as our gifts, talents and uniqueness. Here at Berwick Parish Church, we had a lot to be thankful for!

On Friday 8 October, we welcomed Holy Trinity First School back into church for their Harvest Festival, where Revd Dennis Handley, alongside Revd Tom Sample, told the story of the creation. The children sang some wonderful harvest songs thanking God, and giving thanks for all those who work so hard to bring food to our table. The children were extremely generous and brought gifts of food, which was donated to Berwick Food Bank to help our community.

On Saturday 9 October, we held a Harvest Coffee Morning with a ‘bring and buy’ of fruit and vegetables, with some very tasty homemade cakes – truly something to be thankful for! We didn’t forget the animals either, as on Saturday evening we gave thanks for all the creatures of the earth, at a blessing of pets’ service, organised by Revd Tom Sample. Everyone behaved themselves, and no accidents were reported!

On Sunday 10 October, the church was beautifully decorated as we celebrated our Harvest Festival at the Parish Eucharist. As we prepare for COP26 in Glasgow, we handed out wildflower seeds as part of the BillionSeedChallenge, started by an organisation called Together.

We too are now ready to enter into a new season, slowly but surely. Just as we watch the crops grow throughout the season, first being sown into the darkness of the soil, preparing to grow through towards the light. We are coming out of the darkness of the pandemic, into the lightness of a world where our gifts and talents can be shared once more together.

First published on: 15th October 2021
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