Bishop Helen-Ann supports safeguarding motion at General Synod

“I am grateful to have had further to engage with victims and survivors and +Joanne and all who are working to make us a safer Church and exemplar of best practice.” Bishop Helen-Ann spoke at Synod this morning, supporting item number 22 on safeguarding. 

Read her full speech below or watch the video above. 

Members of Synod, you may recall my speech in February which expressed dismay at the apparent lack of engagement with the action demanded by the Wilkinson and Jay Reports. Given the dynamics of that day, I stand by that speech. However I am also grateful for the learning since then and the particular opportunities I have had further to engage with victims and survivors and with +Joanne and all who are working to make us a safer Church and an exemplar of best practice. I am bishop of a diocese that has recently undergone its INEQE Independent Safeguarding Audit. This was a fair, robust and challenging process and I cannot commend it highly enough. It showed me the value and importance of independent scrutiny. It is my view now that the motion before us is the best direction of travel and with Lesley Ann Ryder’s role now in place (and can I say it’s great to meet a fellow first name double-barreller [if that is a thing]) and I have personally valued the opportunity to speak with her as part of her induction process when she spent time with the House of Bishops in York in May, I will be voting for this motion and encourage us to do likewise whilst keeping up the challenge and scrutiny.


First published on: 8th July 2024
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