Artwork loan offer via Newcastle Cathedral

A sculptural art piece, Legacy, by Roberta Fulford, is currently on loan to Newcastle Cathedral and will be on display until Easter 2023.

It will be available from the artist, free of charge, to any church wishing to display it. The piece takes the shape of a wall-hung cross made from 150 metres of walnut veneer, backed with golden copper leaf and created to immerse the onlooker in Christ's love and sacrifice. 

Further information can be obtained from Lindy Gilliland at the Cathedral ( or Roberta Fulford (

Interested churches should note that the artwork is very low-tech, free-flowing and maintenance-free. It is best suspended from a hook but can be sculpted to suit any architectural space. Roberta would be pleased to discuss loan dates and arrange a site visit.


First published on: 1st February 2023
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