Getting started with GiveALittle

Our friends at Parish Buying have developed a donation app especially for churches called GiveALittle. It works by partnering with a payment processor to accept donations on your behalf and then deposit them into your church’s bank account. Once you have registered with GiveALittle, you will be able to connect a payment processor account. There are two payment processor options available:

  • SumUp: a SumUp account can facilitate both contactless and online donations. (NB: you can also use your SumUp account separately with the SumUp app for taking payments).
  • Stripe: a Stripe Express account can facilitate online donations at a lower cost than SumUp. It can accept Apple Pay and Google Pay for online donations and also has a high donations threshold (up to £1m) in a single transaction.
  SumUp Stripe
Online giving? Yes Yes
Online giving transaction rate 1.95% per transaction 1.1% per transaction
Accept Apple Pay & Google Pay online giving? No Yes
QR codes through Give A Little? Yes Yes
Maximum value of single online donation £1,000 £999,999
Contactless giving? Yes No
Contactless giving transaction rate 1.1% debit 1.3% credit cards N/A

By registering with GiveALittle through Parish Buying you will receive free access to a Premium GiveALittle membership which will allow givers to make a Gift Aid declaration when they are making their donation. Once logged on to Parish Buying, there are three steps to follow; 

Step 1: Create a GiveALittle Account

Step 2: Connect a Payment Processor

Step 3: Create A Web/App Campaign

Get started now through Parish Buying

For detailed supporting instructions for each step, please email the Generous Giving Team.

QR Codes

With GiveALittle web campaigns, you can instantly generate a QR code which effectively makes it possible for mobile phone users to give contactlessly wherever they are. See pages 6-7 of Getting Started with GiveALittle for further information about QR codes.






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