Supporting good mental health
The Church of England digital team has produced a series of 10 daily mental health reflections and two videos of people exploring their faith and mental health journeys.
All of the content is available at The resources are timeless so that people can use them at any point.
Other resources:
Prayer and Wellbeing and our Rootedness in God
As our circumstances change, we need to be willing to develop new rhythms and patterns or to adapt old ones so they are fit for purpose. It will take time for the new pattern to become established. Recognising that most of us at present tire more easily, it helps to establish a daily routine with set blocks of time of one hour or less - certainly no longer than two hours for specific tasks and to stick to our plan. Learn more by reading this extract from St Lukes Virtual Clergy Wellbeing Programme.
Practical theologian and educator Revd Canon Dr Carla Grosch-Miller shares her reflections on lament.