Survivors' Stories

Earlier this year we published Recomposition, the first in what we hope will become a collection of stories written by survivors of abuse. You can download a copy of Recomposition below, and as new stories appear you’ll find them on this page.

Stories are a powerful way for us to make connections. Through these stories, we hope that victims and survivors of abuse will be reassured that they are not alone. For others, we hope that seeing things from the perspective of those harmed in and by the Church might help us all to enact the changes needed to make the Church welcoming to survivors and safer for everyone. As Bishop Helen-Ann puts it in her foreword to Recomposition, "There can be no more powerful testimony than that of a survivor, and the telling of a story from the perspective of the voice of one who has survived is a voice that cries out to be heard. To listen to a story you have to attend to the person telling it and be prepared to be challenged and transformed."


This story contains references to sexual violence. Names have been changed.

Please click on the image (right) to download the booklet. If you would prefer to have copies printed professionally, please contact Jon Graham from Fundamental Design & Marketing at and he will be happy to help.

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