Thy Kingdom Come (TKC), launched today (21st May) has been radically revamped due to Covid-19.
TKC has been tailored to enable churches, families and individuals to pray and worship in their homes, through a suite of adapted resources, in line with social distancing guidelines.
Now in its fifth year, the movement began as a call to prayer for evangelisation within the Anglican Communion in the period from Ascension to Pentecost, but now draws thousands of Christians together, across different denominations and traditions, to pray for their friends, family and neighbours to come to know the love of Jesus.
For the first time this year, Christians are not only encouraged to pray for others to know the love of Christ, but to also practically demonstrate their love and care through action during the 11 days, an initiative called Prayer and Care.
In addition to this, the campaign has also developed several new Thy Kingdom Come despite Lockdown resources to equip people to worship at home.
For churches, there is an Upper Room resource - a virtual prayer room where churches can take part in continuous prayer alongside international prayer organisation - 24/7 prayer. Inspired by the upper room experience in the book of Acts, where the early disciples gathered to pray, this timely resource encourages churches to go deeper in continuous prayer drawing on the richness of this historic tradition.
All key resources are available as digital downloads on the TKC website. This includes a Prayer Journal with Bible readings, reflections and care actions. It features the Fathers Love illustration from renowned artist Charlie Mackesy on the cover. The Journey with Mary devotional is also available with an accompanying podcast series.
For families, the Digital Family Prayer Adventure Map, created with Missional Generation, will aid children and young people explore prayer in a fun way.
The map is full of activities based on the daily themes of Thy Kingdom Come and comes to life through an augmented reality app with bonus digital content. This includes Bible story animations and video reflections from well-known Christians including Archbishop Justin Welby, CBeebies presenter Gemma Hunt, Guvna B, Eye Can Talk author Jonathan Bryan, Author of the Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd Jones and Storyteller Philip Glassborow.
The campaign will also relaunch its award-winning app which will enable anyone with a smartphone to access the content and journey through the 11 days of prayer. The app has been translated into eight languages and last year was downloaded in almost 100 countries worldwide.
The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, who started the movement with Archbishop Justin, said:
As we pray Thy Kingdom Come for the fifth year as a nationwide and now worldwide season of prayer for people to come to a living faith in Jesus Christ, again I am bringing my five to God the five for whom I am praying that they will know the abundant life that is in Jesus Christ. It has been a joy each year to see friends encountering Jesus Christ and beginning a new life.
This year because of COVID-19 so many people are searching for meaning and hope, as well as discovering afresh the importance of real, self-sacrificial love. May the Holy Spirit equip us all to share that love, and to speak of Jesus Christ, and of the love of God our Father. Come, Holy Spirit!