On Friday 6 December, a wonderful service took place at Newcastle Cathedral as six new Non-Residentiary Canons were installed at Newcastle Cathedral during the Patronal Festival of St. Nicholas.
The Revd Dr Rae Caro, the Revd Dr Ben Doolan, the Revd Jonathan Lawson, Dr Maggi Creese, John Marshall and Dr Ce Pacitti were installed as Honorary Canons by Bishop Helen-Ann before being led to their new stalls by the Junior Choristers.
Bishop Helen-Ann said: “I’m delighted at the appointment of our new Non-Residentiary Canons and look forward to all that they will bring in this capacity in the life of the cathedral and the wider Diocese.”
The Dean of Newcastle, the Very Revd Lee Batson, said: "The College of Canons is one of the main ways in which the Cathedral can hear how it can best support the wider work of mission and ministry in this Diocese.
"I am thrilled that Ce, John, Maggi, Jonathan, Ben, and Rae have become Non-Residentiary Canons as their voice and experience will add to the considerable wisdom that is already present in the College.”
The Revd Dr Kelly Brown Douglas should also have been installed at the same time as Newcastle Cathedral’s first Anglican Communion Canon but unfortunately cancelled flights meant Dr Douglas was unable to join the service and her installation will now take place at a later date.
More photos from the event can be found on our Facebook page.