Newcastle Diocese marks National Day of Reflection

Messages and photos were placed at 'walls of reflections' across the nation last week as the Church of England acknowledged the second anniversary of the first Covid-19 lockdown.

Services and events were held across the diocese on Wednesday March 23, including prayer vigils and moments of silence, as well as ‘walls of reflection’ inviting people to bring photos, prayer and memories to honour those who have died.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said: “As we mark this second National Day of Reflection, our prayers are with all those whose lives have been changed forever in the last two years by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“[The Day of Reflection] is a moment to acknowledge all we have been through - individually, in our relationships, and as a nation - to mourn all we have lost and recognise all we have learnt about the importance of compassion and community.
“Christ calls us to be His presence in the world: may this difficult time be for us a turning point, a moment where we resolve again to build a fairer, kinder society together - one which honours those we have lost and the hardships we have faced.”

Among the churches marking the National Day of Reflection was St John’s Killingworth:

“We held a minute’s silence and tied more ribbons to our memorial tree. Holding before God those who died, grieve, struggle with ill health, anxiety and fear,” the church tweeted. Please click here to learn more.

Ribbons were tied alongside a plaque, placed on the one-year anniversary of lockdown

The Newcastle Hospitals Chaplaincy team lit candles and added memories of loved ones lost to their memorial tree, filled with colour, memories and love.

The memorial tree was located inside of St Luke’s Chapel at the Royal Victoria Infirmary

St Mark’s, Shiremoor held an anniversary service of ‘lament and thanksgiving’.

If your church held a service for the National Day of Reflection, please get in touch with our communications team at

First published on: 29th March 2022
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