Newcastle Diocese Generosity Week is back!

September last year saw the start of a brand new diocesan wide event - Newcastle Diocese Generosity Week - which allowed us the opportunity to spend time collectively focusing on nurturing and encouraging generosity.

For eight consecutive days we lived out our diocesan vision, values and priorities, and took time to deepen our understanding of God’s generosity towards us as we explored how to live more generously in our daily lives.

This year Generosity Week is back and once more we’re looking forward to spreading some inspiration for living and giving generously! Over the coming months, I’m excited to be visiting parishes across the Diocese to hear and film stories of generosity; stories about giving time and attention, and wealth and possessions, as well as stories of generous living; people being generous in their judgements, their hospitality and in their care of others. 

Along with these daily two-minute films, there will be all the usual resources for Generosity Week including; service packs, worship materials, and fundraising guidance, plus a few extra things from our new Generous Giving Team members.

Giving Ministry Adviser, Dennis Fancett will be producing a series of podcasts helping us to discover more intentionally that being generous is a natural expression of our Christian faith and draws us closer to God. He’ll also be looking at other issues, such as how giving to our own church can be about a real statement of ownership and feeling part of the vision of the parish and wider Diocese, plus what it means to be generous when many of us are facing challenging financial situations and there is genuine pain or sacrifice in our offering.

Generous Giving Adviser, Leanne Conway-Wilcox will be motivating everyone with a daily Generosity Challenge – a practical and effective way to encourage and support generosity in our parishes. There will be something for everyone to try; ideas for the crafty, the data lovers, and those who thrive on presenting!

Last year we saw really encouraging levels of participation and a great many celebrations, events and individual acts of generosity. Our aim this year remains the same; to inspire, encourage and celebrate how generous giving enables mission and ministry to flourish in our diocese.

Please keep an eye on our dedicated web page - Generosity Week 2022 - for more information coming soon. In the meantime, if you have a story of generosity from your parish which you would like to share, please get in touch with Joanne Christie.

First published on: 5th May 2022
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