Newcastle Cathedral welcomes school leavers

This week, we have had the privilege of welcoming Y4 and Y6 pupils to Newcastle Cathedral as they prepare to transition to their next school.

We were delighted to be joined by nearly 600 students from across the Diocese during the three days.

After an introduction to prayer from Diocesan Youth Adviser, Susan White, each school headed to their first prayer station. The schools spent the next hour taking part in a variety of different prayer-related activities, moving from one activity to the next every ten minutes until they had completed all six:

Special Memories

The children were asked to think of a special memory from their time at school that they wanted to give thanks for. They wrote these on postcards and either posted them in the post-box or took them home to give them to the recipient.



We all face challenges in our life although some might feel more difficult than others. Sometimes challenges can make us feel like we are climbing a mountain where the top seems a long way off. The children drew round their foot and cut out the paper shape, writing or drawing on it a challenge they were currently facing before placing it on the mountain.


Thank You

Pupils made a person out of a pipe-cleaner while reflecting on a person such as a teacher or friend who had helped them during their time at school.



We all have to say sorry now and again. If we say sorry, God always forgives us although people sometimes find it harder. Children were given the opportunity to write something down that they were sorry for and then crumple it up and throw it away.





Sometimes we can feel excited about change but sometimes we can feel nervous or anxious. Just like in nature, sometimes things have to change to be able to grow… just like butterflies! Children wrote what they had enjoyed about their current school on one side of a butterfly and what they were nervous about on the other.



What does spirituality mean to you? Children had the chance to share examples of spirituality at home, at church and at school.





Following the prayer stations, the schools joined back together again for a short service, led by the Very Revd Lee Batson, Dean of Newcastle where children were given the opportunity to share a special object from their school. Each session also had a different speaker with Bishop Mark, Archdeacon Catherine and Bishop Helen-Ann each taking a turn.


A huge thank you to everyone who helped with these events, particularly students from NCE Duke’s Secondary School who enthusiastically led stations on each of the three days. 

First published on: 21st June 2024
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