Link Magazine

Link and Link Extra

Link is our Diocesan magazine. It contains news and stories from the Diocese, as well as regular feature articles from our bishops and cathedral. It is designed to give churchgoers and non-churchgoers an insight into life in our parishes and church schools.

Link magazine is printed four times a year and distributed to churches through collection points detailed below. 

Link Extra is our online edition, which is published monthly on this webpage, when there is not a printed publication.

The latest Link is now available to read online.

Link collection points

Winter printed edition of Link will be available to pick up at collection points from Thursday, 5 December.

There will be four printed editions of Link, which will come out in March, July, October and December. They will be distributed to a number of collection points around the diocese, for volunteers from each parish to pick up for their churches to hand out to worshippers. 

Church House, North Shields
Newcastle Cathedral (please call 0191 232 1939 before visiting to check they have copies available). 
Jesmond St George
Morpeth St Aidan
Lesbury St Mary
Berwick Holy Trinity (open 9-5, every day) 
Wooler St Mary
Hexham Abbey
Beadnell St Ebba
Corbridge St Andrew



Send your suggestions for inclusion to the Communications Team

Please make sure your submissions are no more than 400 words to allow space to present it well on the page. 

We'd encourage you to include a photograph to go alongside any articles. Please provide original photos where possible in jpg format and ensure selected images are high resolution for visual clarity and quality.

Always seek permission for the Diocese to use the image in Link. Obtaining consent for someone’s inclusion in a photograph or video is crucial. This involves explaining the Link's purpose and potential use (Link is made available to everyone online through our website, social media and by email, and printed for distribution in churches), safeguarding individuals’ rights and privacy.  Consent forms are availalbe to downloand on the Communications and Digital webpage. 

Avoid simply sourcing images via Google or online sources without proper authorisation. 


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