For obvious reasons, we have not been able to celebrate Christian Aid Week in the normal way this year. No house-to-house collections, no coffee mornings, lunches or other get togethers, but at St Nicholas, Gosforth, we were determined to do all we can to support the vital work of Christian Aid.
Our solution may seem quite novel, but in these strange days is becoming more commonplace.
Last Saturday morning we held a parish brunch for Christian Aid but we all stayed at home and joined each other on Zoom or by telephone and I suspect one or two may have kept their pyjama bottoms on. There was a very welcome opportunity for us all to chat and catch up, and two slightly tricky quizzes one on the Bible, and one on general knowledge.
However, the high point was a practical cookery demonstration by Simon Douglass, the chef at Rosies Bistro and Patisserie in Gosforth. You may think that poaching an egg is a simple task but so many people struggle to do it without it falling apart or going solid. Simon let us into the professional secrets as well as the making of hollandaise sauce (much better than going to the supermarket), and then made us all envious with eggs Florentine, eggs Benedict, and eggs Royale. Sadly, he then disappeared with his girlfriend, Emma, to scoff the lot!

The work of Christian Aid continues all year round and not just this week. Please consider having your own event soon even if we cant do it in person, we can do it together. We gave out details of how to donate direct to the charity. Donations can be made online at https://www.christianaid.org.uk/
Written by Revd Jane Nattrass, vicar St Nicholas, Gosforth.