Clergy Retreat 2024:Encouraging a subversive imagination

During the last week, in the year in which Hexham Abbey celebrates 1350 since its foundation, its ancient stones and hard-working staff welcomed licensed clergy from the diocese for a two-day retreat, led by Canon Dr Paula Gooder, Chancellor of St Paul's Cathedral.

Our theme was an exploration of how we might more faithfully and imaginatively inhabit our Scriptures. Of particular focus was the role of imagination formed through engagement with the Bible as a resource for subversive Christian discipleship: for individuals, worshipping communities and as a diocese embarking on the triennium "Seeking, Sharing, Sending". In the spaces between addresses we were invited to consider what place imagination has in our discernment of where God the Spirit is calling us to act and alongside whom. The retreat also prompted reflection on what might be our resources for such imaginative engagement with the Bible, and how imagination might help us become more articulate with respect to our turning outwards together.


First published on: 19th July 2024
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