Newcastle Diocese Board of Education

Newcastle Diocesan Education Board

January 2022-December 2024 Triennium


Ex Officio

Rt Revd Helen-Ann Hartley (Bishop of Newcastle)

Chair Revd Dr Gillian Alexander

Company Secretary Mrs Gill Booth


Elected by Diocesan Synod


Revd George Curry

Revd David Cleugh

Revd Pauline Pearson


Professor Gary Holmes

Professor Lesley Twomey

Bishop’s Nomination


Very Revd Lee Batson (Vice Chair)

Revd James McGowan


Mrs Dawn Robertson

Mr Richard Restall



In attendance

Tara Russell


Mrs Liane Atkin – Assistant Director of Education (Legal & Governance)

Mrs Susie Taylor (Clerk to the meeting)



Mr Nigel Wyrley-Birch – Chair Durham Diocesan Board of Education


Quorum is now one third of Members subject to a minimum of four Members present in person or by proxy shall be a quorum.



Newcastle Diocesan Education Board

Finance & Property Committee


  1. Revd Dr Gillian Alexander (Chair NDEB)

  2. Revd George Curry (B)

  3. Very Revd Lee Batson (B)

  4. Revd James McGowan (B)



  1. Gill Booth – Interim Director of Education/NDEB Company Secretary

  2. Mrs Liane Atkin – Assistant Director of Education (Legal & Governance)

  3. Mrs Susie Taylor - Clerk to the meeting

Quorum: Any committee of the Trustees may meet together for the dispatch of business, adjourn otherwise regulate their meetings as they think fit and determine the quorum necessary for the transaction of business provided always that the quorum shall never be less than two members of the body concerned.

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