Information about Leadership Learning Events
Leadership Learning Pathway for those in leadership in church settings, builds on the Basic Awareness and Foundation modules, available online at the Church of England’s learning portal.
Learn more about the Safeguarding Leadership Learning Pathway.
Safeguarding Learning
Everyone working in either a voluntary or paid capacity in the Diocese needs to update their Safeguarding Learning every three years.
This training and learning is from the National Safeguarding Training and Development Framework for the Church of England and every diocese is expected to cover the same core information.
View the training and development framework and what level of training is required for your role (Basic Awareness Online and/or Foundation Online and/or Leadership Learning) published in 2021. Please pay particular attention to pages 20-22. *Please note Newcastle Diocese have decided that all Churchwardens, given their key and influential role, are required to complete safeguarding learning to leadership level.