Salt and Light Programme

Conference programme 

Friday 14 June

1pm: Lunch and registration 
2pm: Opening Eucharist followed by welcome and notices
3.30pm: Refreshments and room book-in 
4.15pm: Lenses on the Landscape 1 Nature: Patrick Laurie
6pm: Dinner 
7pm: A Triptych of Journeys: Max Adams
8.30pm: Bar/ free time 


Saturday 15 June

7.30-8.30am: Breakfast 
8.30am: Clear rooms 
9am: Lenses on the Landscape 2 History: Michelle Brown
10.30am: Refreshments 
10.45: Workshops 
1pm: Lunch 
1.45pm: Lenses on the Landscape 3 Society and Economics: Sally Shortall
3.15: Refreshments 
3.30pm: Worship and reflection
4.30pm: Finish




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