Online giving and QR codes

Online giving

Online giving enables people to give to your church without physically being in the building. Usually donations are made via the church website, social media pages or a QR code. Online giving is an easy and safe way for people to give.

To get started, you’ll need to set up a 'donations platform' which allows individuals to donate using a variety of payment methods. Many platform providers will allow you to seek donations for a number of separate projects and some will automatically reclaim Gift Aid on your behalf. A comparison of some of the most popular providers can be found here

QR codes

Once you have an online giving page set up, it's very simple to generate a QR code that will allow smart phone users to be taken straight to your donate page. This effectively makes it possible for someone with a smart phone to give wherever they see your church QR code.

Directing people to your online giving page

It’s important to share the details of your new page as widely as possible. Below are some simple ideas to get started with.

Sharing your web link (for electronic communications)

  • On email signatures
  • As a 'pinned' Facebook post or Whatsapp message
  • On your church website or ACNY page, either as a link or with the link hidden behind a 'donate' button

Click here to learn how to add a donate button to ACNY

Sharing yout QR Code (for printed communications)

  • Displayed on posters in and around church
  • Pew cards
  • Printed newsletters
  • Christmas cards
  • Orders of service


Parish Buying have created an affordable and simple online giving platform called GiveALittle which comes with lots of easy to follow instructions and videos to help you get started. 

Find out more about GiveALittle

Download 'Digital Giving 2024 end of year review' for Newcastle Diocese


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