Parish Giving Scheme Explained
The Parish Giving Scheme ('PGS') is a free resource to help church members give more efficiently to their church and save the parish valuable time. PGS offers a simple and secure way for people to give on a regular basis. Most people give monthly but there is also the option to give quarterly, annually or as one-off. PGS does not need to replace your current planned giving arrangements but we recommend it is made available as an additional mechanism for giving. PGS is essentially a Direct Debit covenant between a giver and parish that includes optional inflationary giving and automated collection of Gift Aid.
Download 'PGS 2024 end of year review' for Newcastle Diocese
Download PGS quick start guide
Reasons to offer PGS
- To maximise planned giving and number of planned givers
- To increase and improve cash flow, especially through Gift Aid recovery
- To combat static giving as the majority of donors choose to index-link their gift
- To future proof and protect against an ever-increasing digital society
- An opportunity to talk about giving and launch a stewardship campaign
- Professional, tried and tested materials
- To lighten your administration burden
- Statistically produces higher average gift levels
How to join the Parish Giving Scheme
Before givers can sign up, the parish itself must be registered. Download the correct registration form below and return to Generous Giving Team Newcastle, along with a proof of bank details such as copy bank statement, paying in book, cheque book etc.
How to register as a giver
Once the parish is registered, there are three ways in which a giver can set up their Direct Debit to donate regularly to the church or parish:
- via the PGS website
- via the telephone service on 0333 002 1271, Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
- via paper 'Gift Form' – available from the Generous Giving Team
Promoting PGS in your parish
If the Parish Giving Scheme is available in your church, it is important to communicate this and let people know who they can talk to about joining. Please contact the Generous Giving Team if you would like a free customised resource pack including posters, pew cards and flyers. PGS themselves have also created a short film to demonstrate the mechanics of the scheme.