Contactless giving

The use of cash is very much on the decline so providing the option to donate contactlessly will enable your church to;

  • Capture donations that may not otherwise have been made.
  • Engage with a wider range of visitors, especially those who are not regular churchgoers
  • Offer greater choice for generous givers
  • Future proof for the inevitable further decline of cash
  • Claim additional gift aid through the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme

Popular Devices

To find the right contactless device for your church, we advise visiting the Parish Buying website where you can view a comprehensive range of solutions. The table below shows a cost comparative of the most popular devices in the Diocese of Newcastle, which are all available through Parish Buying. Prices are correct as of August 2024.

Device Upfront Cost Monthly Fee Transaction Charges (SumUp)
Payaz Giving Station £365 (VAT exempt) N/A 1.1-1.3%
CollecTin More £330 + £85 for optional wall mount (VAT exempt) N/A 1.1-1.3%
SumUp Air £14.99 + VAT N/A 1.1-1.3%
SumUp Solo £79 + VAT N/A 1.1-1.3%

NB: A sim card is required for mobile data in the absence of WiFi. This can be purchased through Parish Buying for £4-5 per month.             


GiveALittle and Contactless

The CollecTin More and Payaz Giving Station both work in conjunction with an Android app called GiveALittle. GiveALittle is a point of donation software developed by Parish Buying. This app has been designed to allow users to receive contactless (and online) donations with low set up costs and transaction charges.

With a SumUp Air card reader alone, you can install the GiveALittle app on an Android mobile phone or tablet to create a low cost 'DIY' donation station. For more information about this and GiveALittle, please click on the button below.

Find out more about GiveALittle

Free trials available

We have a small range of 'Goodbox' contactless solutions available for parishes to try out for free before they buy. Please contact Joanne or Leanne for further information or to arrange a trial.

Download 'Digital Giving 2024 end of year review' for Newcastle Diocese



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