Environment information and webinars

Carbon Net Zero 2030

On Saturday 11 May, the Diocese of Newcastle adopted an ambitious Carbon Net Zero Action Plan. The plan aims to take the diocese to Net Zero carbon emissions by 2030. The first leg of the plan's delivery will see a capacity-building across the diocese as staff are appointed to new posts. Please pray particularly about the appointment of a new Carbon Net Zero Officer.  


The Church of England Environment Programme has training webinars on various topics under three themes. All webinars are free to attend, although they require booking in advance:

Eco Church webinars

Carbon Net Zero webinars

Land and nature webinars



The Climate Emergency Toolkit

This is a route map for your church or organisation to declare a climate emergency and respond to the climate crisis. Step by step, the Climate Emergency Toolkit guides your church through simple, powerful actions to prepare, declare and have an impact in your community.

You can download the pack or for more information click here



Young Christian Climate Network

The Young Christian Climate Network is a community of Christians in the UK aged 18-30, choosing to follow Jesus in the pursuit of climate justice. The ecumenical network has members from the Anglican, Methodist, Baptist and Quaker traditions. 

Follow YCCN on TwitterFacebook and Instagram (@YCCNetwork). 


Charities and organisations

Climate change and pollution impacts the poorest in our local and global community, many Christian organisations are engaged in campaigning for climate justice:

  • Tearfund works with local partner churches to help beat poverty and the impact of climate change.
  • Christian Aid runs campaigns petitioning parliament and supporting research and work across the world into the effects of climate change.
  • Hope for the Future provides training and support for churches to engage with their local MP about climate change.
  • Operation Noah is a Christian charity working with the Church to inspire action on the climate crisis.
  • Green Christian supports various campaigns, currently these include topics such as sustainable economics, climate emergency, fair trade and organic products and protecting endangered habitats in the rainforest.
  • A Rocha UK’s Wild Christian scheme practical actions for individuals and families to explore the connection between Christian faith and the natural environment.
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