Chaplains in Education

School Chaplains

Northumberland Church of England Academy

Sally Milner, Trust Chaplain

01670 816111


Dame Allan’s Schools

Currently Vacant


College Chaplains

Newcastle College

Revd Neal Terry


University Chaplains

University chaplains work with students and staff. 

In fact, we have a responsibility to engage with the whole of a university: all its members and all its aspects as an institution. This also means we often also deal with people outside the university community but who have an interest or a stake in it.

The chaplaincy co-ordinators at Newcastle University (Raza Rahman) and at Northumbria University (Andii Bowsher) have the task of helping chaplains more widely (Christian and other faiths) to work together with the universities for the common good. This involves co-ordinating chaplains efforts and enabling the university and faith communities to communicate together about matters of common concern. It can mean, therefore, raising issues one with the other. We also do the obvious things like organising prayer, meditation, discussions, lectures, trips away and so forth as well as being available to staff and students and their families for pastoral care and spiritual accompaniment.

Newcastle University (Interim) Chaplain: Currently vacant. 

Northumbria University Chaplain: The Revd Andii Bowsher, Telephone: 0191 227 3284 or email:

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