Boards, Groups & Committees

The formation of these boards and groups is constituted under various legislation and other requirements in support of the work of the diocese.

Board of Education
 The Revd Gill Alexander
Secretary: Director of Education, Church House, St John's Terrace, North Shields, NE29 6HS
Each Church of England diocese is required by law (under the Diocesan Education Board Measure) to set up a Board of Education whose function is to look after the interests of its church schools. Diocesan Boards of Education work with head teachers, governors, Local Education Authorities and the Department for Education and Skills to uphold and enrich the distinctive contribution of church schools to the state education system.

The Newcastle Diocesan Education Board at present has three full-time staff, supplemented by additional consultant and volunteer support. The work of the staff, volunteers and Board members covers a wide range of areas: representing the diocese on a variety of committees and statutory bodies; liaising with LEA and other officers; supporting schools by providing help and in-service training on a wide range of issues including RE and school worship and by supporting and training governors. The Board aims to facilitate the working together of governors, teachers, parents, church and other partners to ensure that the quality of education offered to the children in our church schools

Houses and Glebe Committee
Canon Roger Windass
Secretary: Ian Beswick, Church House, St John's Terrace, North Shields, NE29 6HS. Email:
Membership: The Ven Dr Catherine Sourbut Groves; the Ven Rachel Wood; the Revd Sarah Lunn; Mrs Jennie Jones.
In Attendance: Property Manager; Diocesan Secretary; Property Assistant

The Houses and Glebe Committee is constituted under the Repair of Benefice Buildings Measure 1972 as a Committee of the BCSC to which it must report annually. The Committee is required to appoint surveyors, initiate inspections, and execute agreed repairs to parsonage houses. The Committee also deals with some other diocesan houses. It may, but is not required to, assist with the improvement, upgrading and modernisation of houses. Parsonages may not be altered, extended, demolished, purchased or sold without the approval of the Committee.

Click here for resources from the Houses and Glebe Committee

Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee (DMPC)
Revd Canon Louise Taylor-Kenyon
Secretary: Phil Ambrose, Church House, St John's Terrace, North Shields, NE29 6HS.  
Membership: Bishop of Newcastle, the Right Revd Dr Helen-Ann Hartley (Bishops, Ex-officio); the Archdeacon of Lindisfarne, the Ven Dr Catherine Sourbut Groves; the Archdeacon of Northumberland, the Ven Rachel Wood; Vacant (Vice Chair); Aidan Evans (Laity); Carol Griffiths (Laity); Susan Ramshaw (Laity); Alice Wilkinson (Laity); Revd Dr Hannah Cleugh (Clergy); Revd Debbie Loughran (Clergy).
In attendance: Secretary to the DMPC; Diocesan Secretary; Diocesan Ecumenical Officer; Residentiary Canon Director of Mission and Ministry; the Registrar's Clerk

The Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007 provided for the appointment of a new committee in each diocese to replace the pastoral committee and the redundant churches uses committee. These functions are now contained in Part 2 of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011, with Schedule 1 of this Measure providing for its constitution and procedure.

The DMPC's functions include:

  • reviewing arrangements for pastoral supervision and care in the diocese;
  • preparing strategies or proposals for making better provision for the cure of souls, which may include reorganisation, and making recommendations to the Bishop;
  • carrying out responsibilities in relation to the future of churches no longer required for public worship.

Diocesan Finance Group
: Canon Simon Harper
Secretary: Diocesan Secretary, Church House, St John's Terrace, North Shields, NE29 6HS. Tel: 0191 270 4100 
Membership: Vacant (Vice-Chair of the Board of Finance); the Ven Rachel Wood (Archdeacon of Northumberland and Director, Board of Finance); the Ven Catherine Sourbut-Groves (Archdeacon of Lindisfarne and Director, Board of Finance); Dr John Appleby (Director, Board of Finance); Mr Nigel Collingwood (Laity); Canon Izzy McDonald-Booth (Director, Board of Finance)
In Attendance: Tom Royle, Chris Elder

Diocesan Society
Chair: Canon Simon Harper (Acting)
Secretary: Diocesan Secretary, Church House, St John's Terrace, North Shields, NE29 6HS. Tel: 0191 270 4114 
Trustees: Bishop of Newcastle, the Right Revd Dr Helen-Ann Hartley, the Ven Dr Catherine Sourbut Groves; the Ven Rachel Wood, Canon Simon Harper; Dr John Appleby;  Canon Izzy McDonald-Booth.

Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches (DAC)
Canon Roger Styring
Members: The Ven Rachel Wood; The Ven Catherine Sourbut-Groves; Mr Ian Ayris; Peter Brown; Mr Peter Derham; Mr Aidan Evans; David Hillelson; Revd Chris Minchin; The Very Revd Michael Sadgrove; Mr Tristan Spicer; Ninette Edwards; Mr Michael Drage; Revd Chris Wardale; Mr Howard Smith; Rt Revd Dr Stephen Platten; Revd Canon Simon White
In Attendance: Lucy Burfield (DAC Secretary), Janet Forrest (Registrar’s Clerk)
Committee Secretary: Mrs Lucy Burfield, Church House, St John's Terrace, North Shields, NE29 6HS. Tel: 0191 270 4127 E-mail:
The Committee's primary function is to advise the Chancellor on all applications for permission to carry out works on/to churches and churchyards. Parishes are encouraged to contact the Committee via the Secretary at Church House prior to making any application for faculty or other permission.
The members of Committee are experts in some relevant discipline relating to historic buildings, or have a particular interest in the care or use of church buildings. As such the Committee is well able to offer helpful advice to parishes seeking to maintain their properties or to adapt, extend or improve them. Members serve on the Committee without payment and advice is free to parishes.

Click here for more about the DAC

Vacancy in See Committee

The Committee is responsible for part of the process of appointing a new diocesan bishop, it is a permanent committee but only meets when there is a vacancy for a new Bishop of Newcastle.

The Committee discusses the needs of the Diocese when a vacancy arises and prepares a statement of those needs for the Crown Nomination Commission, together with any information about the Diocese that the CNC requests. The Committee also elects by ballot from amongst its members representatives to be members of the Crown Nominations Committee (CNC). The CNC shortlists and interviews candidates, it is also comprised of both Archbishops and elected members from General Synod.

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