The Bishop’s Council acts as Standing Committee for Diocesan Synod - so decision-making and updates on work in progress continue in between Diocesan Synod meetings.
Its other main roles are to advise the Bishop and Diocesan Synod on matters of policy and forward planning, to consider and recommend to Diocesan Synod a budget produced by the Board of Finance (DBF) and to consider the annual accounts of the DBF.
The role of Bishop’s Council as DBF
- As DBF, the Council is a statutory body, established under the Diocesan Boards of Finance Measure 1925 and a company registered under the Companies Act.
- It is also a registered charity and members are therefore charity trustees.
- The DBF acts as the financial executive of the Diocese, is responsible for preparing the annual budget and accounts of the Diocese and acts in accordance with the policy and directives of Diocesan Synod.
- The DBF deals with a range of other matters such as risk management, contracts for buildings and services, insurance and the employment of the Board’s staff
Members of the Bishop's Council
Chair: Bishop of Newcastle
Secretary: Diocesan Secretary, Church House, St John's Terrace, North Shields NE29 6HS. Tel: 0191 270 4114
Membership: the Bishop of Newcastle (the Rt Revd Dr Helen-Ann Hartley); the Bishop of Berwick (the Rt Revd Mark Wroe); the Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance (Canon Simon Harper); the Archdeacon of Northumberland (the Ven Rachel Wood); the Archdeacon of Lindisfarne (the Ven Dr Catherine Sourbut-Groves); the Chair of the House of Laity (Canon Izzy McDonald-Booth); the Chair of the House of Clergy (Revd Robert Lawrance); the Chair of the Diocesan Mission & Pastoral Committee (the Revd Louise Taylor-Kenyon); the Dean of Newcastle (The Very Revd Lee Batson); Dr John Appleby (laity); The Revd Canon Dr Ben Doolan (Clergy); Mrs Emma Doran (laity); The Revd Canon David Glover (Clergy); Mrs Carol Griffiths (Laity); Mr Josh Jee (Laity); Dom Llewellyn (Laity); The Revd Dr Claire Maxim (Clergy); Mrs Gwyn McKenzie (Laity)
Officers in Attendance: the Diocesan Secretary (Mr Chris Elder); the Finance Manager (Mr Tom Royle); the Director of Communications (Mr Rod Stuart) and the Director of Mission and Ministry (The Revd Canon Dr Ric Whaite)